Subject: Revision 1.123 of simp.lisp: Replacing *quo
From: Andreas Eder
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 07:03:21 +0200
Hi Dieter,
>>>>> "Dieter" == Dieter Kaiser <drdieterkaiser at> writes:
Dieter> The function *quo has been cut out and has been replaced
by a call of
Dieter> '/' or quot in simp.lisp and in other files. I have done
some work on
Dieter> simp.lisp, therefore I have analyzed some of the code
carefully. I
Dieter> think
Dieter> a more correct change would be to replace *quo in the
routines addk,
Dieter> *red and exptrl with truncate and in simpquot with '/'.
Dieter> The effect might be small and subtle and I have not found
a changed
Dieter> result up to now. But we can see that something has
changed when we
Dieter> take
Dieter> a profile of some of the routines. I have done it for
revision 1.122
Dieter> (before cutting out *quo) and revision 1.123. At last I
have inserted
Dieter> the functions truncate and '/' at the places where I think
it is more
Dieter> correct.
Please, if you know which of / or truncate is the right thing to
use at that places in simp.lisp, insert it at the right place. A
slight change in times and conses was to be expected since *quo
was inlined and quot is not (at the moment). It would be good to
removed uses of quot as far as possible anyway.
My intention is to go on in the following way:
a) replace all uses in the code of quotient by quot (that is just
a simple alias, but it makes the code easier to read).
b) it seems, that all uses of quot just are simple 2-arg calls of
it, so it can be simplified and then inlined as well.
c) anywhere in the code where one knows wether / or truncate is
intended, quot should be replaced by that.
ceterum censeo redmondinem esse delendam.