Thank a lot, Robert!
I can now indexing my matrix using command like this:
but I'm having the new problem of plotting the amatrix object:
%i1: wxplot2d([discrete,m1[2 .. 10,1],m1[2 .. 10, 2]]);
%o1: draw2d (discrete): argument must be a list; found:
-- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);
I figured it out that I could convert an amatrix object back to ordinary
matrix using new2old_matrix, but I still have problem to plot the data:
%i2:wxplot2d([discrete,new2old_matrix(m1[2 .. 10,1]),new2old_matrix(m1[2 ..
%o2:draw2d (discrete): argument must be a list; found:
-- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);
Any suggestions?
BTW, I personally feel amatrix would be very useful for engineering problem.
I'm learning Maxima to solve electrical engineering problem, So far the
experience is mixed. I want to use Maxima to process the data I collected
from equipment, most of them store data as .csv format. Once you load the
data into Maxima, you really need a way to indexing the matrix for data
processing. amatrix is very handy for this purpose.
I would appreciated it if you could write a simple tutorial about amtrix
Thanks a lot!
On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at>wrote:
> On 11/5/10, Ruida Yun <Ruida.Yun at> wrote:
> > After digging out some old conversations on the mailing list, I've
> learned
> > that my best shot would be using amatrix package. I loaded the package
> but
> > ended up with this error:
> >
> > m[[1,2],3]
> > apply: subscript must be an integer; found: [1,2]
> Try
> m : old2new_matrix (m);
> which constructs an amatrix object from an ordinary matrix.
> Thanks for your interest, it helps to know that it's useful.
> Sorry that there isn't any documentation about amatrix,
> I'll get around to it one of these days.
> best
> Robert Dodier