build fails w/ sed errors

On 11/8/10, Barton Willis <willisb at> wrote:

> I have GNU sed version 3.02. I tried updating msys, but I still have the
> same sed version.

I'm working on CentOS 4 (Linux) w/ sed 4.1.2.
(Also tried it with sed 4.2 but I get the same errors.)

> config.status: creating maxima-local
> sed: file ./confstat5168-26447/subs-3.sed line 51: Unterminated `s'
> command
> sed: file ./confstat5168-26447/subs-4.sed line 3: Unknown command: ``"''
> sed: file ./confstat5168-26447/subs-5.sed line 3: Unknown command: ``"''

I see these same errors. For the record, I've attached subs-{3,4,5}.sed
to this message.


Robert Dodier
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