cas complex tests

-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----


The bug has nothing to do with integration--it's a example of the
kinds of problems that arise when Maxima is careless about
simplifications of the power function. I thought it was an example
that most everybody would agree is a bug. The bogus simplification
sqrt(x*y) --> sqrt(x) * sqrt(y) is listed in Helmer Aslaksen's paper
as Test 1 on page 7.

The integration integrate(sqrt(x-2+1/x),x,0,1) is in the testsuite;
maybe integrate(sqrt((x^2-2*x+1)/x),x,0,1) isn't in the testsuite. If
I recall, Maxima was patched to fix a bug with
integrate(sqrt(x-2+1/x),x,0,1); the integrate(sqrt((x^2-2*x+1)/x),x,0,1) 
bug remains.
