build fails w/ sed errors

On 11/11/10 3:26 PM, Barton Willis wrote:
> --Barton
>>>> default_sharedirs=`find share -type d | sort | egrep -v
>>>> 'share$|CVS|/fortran' | sed 's;share/\(.*\);"\1";' | tr '\n' ' '`
>>> That seems to make the errors go away.
>> Can someone else test this on Windows? 
> I tried this using Windows XP + msys, but I got the same sed errors. I can 
> still do a pure Lisp
> build, but that's all. I tired a few fixes, but I think I mostly made a 
> mess. I tried installing
> cygwin, but the cygwin install just stalled (yesterday, I think).
Thanks for testing.   Could you stop configure and post some of the .sed
files like what Robert did?

I think that if we can't fix this, I'll have to revert all of this.  Or
at least disable this feature on Windows.  I wish I could test this on
Windows, but msys is totally hosed for some reason on my system.
