matchdeclare and tellsimpafter

OK, here's my attempt at a solution.

I used defrule instead of tellsimpafter to define rules.
I chose defrule in order to work around a tellsimpafter
idiosyncrasy; namely that multiple tellsimpafter rules are not all
executed -- there is a flag AFTERFLAG* or something like that
which, I guess, is supposed to prevent infinite loops, but also prevents
multiple rules for the same operator from firing.

I'd be happy to explain the rules in more detail (assuming they work
as intended). I think the built-in rule machinery is the best way to
go here -- doing stuff like factoring out scalars by hand is essentially
just reinventing stuff that already exists in the rule code.


Robert Dodier

PS. Here's the result of the following example. It seems plausible,
but I didn't check it. I tried some simpler examples which turned out
correct as far as I can tell.

    load (commutators);
    declare ([s1, s2, s3, s4], scalar);
    declare ([a, b, c], nonscalar);
    e : comm (3*s1*a^^2 + 4*s2*b^^3 ,  (s3*a^^4)/5 - 6*s4*c^^5);
    FOO (e);
    expand (%);

-24*s2*s4*c^^4 . comm(b,c) . b^^2-18*s1*s4*c^^4 . comm(a,c) . a
                                 -96*s2*s4*c^^3 . comm(b,c) . c . b^^2
                                 -72*s1*s4*c^^3 . comm(a,c) . c . a
                                     *c^^2 . comm(b,c) . c^^2 . b^^2
                                 -108*s1*s4*c^^2 . comm(a,c) . c^^2 . a
                                 -96*s2*s4*c . comm(b,c) . c^^3 . b^^2
                                 -72*s1*s4*c . comm(a,c) . c^^3 . a
                                 -24*s2*s4*comm(b,c) . c^^4 . b^^2
                                 -24*s2*s4*b^^2 . c^^4 . comm(b,c)
                                 -96*s2*s4*b^^2 . c^^3 . comm(b,c) . c
                                     *b^^2 . c^^2 . comm(b,c) . c^^2
                                 -96*s2*s4*b^^2 . c . comm(b,c) . c^^3
                                 -24*s2*s4*b^^2 . comm(b,c) . c^^4
                                 -4*s2*s3*b^^2 . comm(a,b) . a^^3/5
                                 -48*s2*s4*b . c^^4 . comm(b,c) . b
                                     *b . c^^3 . comm(b,c) . c . b
                                     *b . c^^2 . comm(b,c) . c^^2 . b
                                     *b . c . comm(b,c) . c^^3 . b
                                 -48*s2*s4*b . comm(b,c) . c^^4 . b
                                 -8*s2*s3*b . comm(a,b) . b . a^^3/5
                                 -18*s1*s4*comm(a,c) . c^^4 . a
                                 -4*s2*s3*comm(a,b) . b^^2 . a^^3/5
                                 -4*s2*s3*a^^3 . b^^2 . comm(a,b)/5
                                 -8*s2*s3*a^^3 . b . comm(a,b) . b/5
                                 -4*s2*s3*a^^3 . comm(a,b) . b^^2/5
                                 -12*s2*s3*a^^2 . b^^2 . comm(a,b) . a
                                 -24*s2*s3*a^^2 . b . comm(a,b) . b . a
                                 -12*s2*s3*a^^2 . comm(a,b) . b^^2 . a
                                  /5-18*s1*s4*a . c^^4 . comm(a,c)
                                 -72*s1*s4*a . c^^3 . comm(a,c) . c
                                 -108*s1*s4*a . c^^2 . comm(a,c) . c^^2
                                 -72*s1*s4*a . c . comm(a,c) . c^^3
                                 -12*s2*s3*a . b^^2 . comm(a,b) . a^^2
                                 -24*s2*s3*a . b . comm(a,b) . b . a^^2
                                  /5-18*s1*s4*a . comm(a,c) . c^^4
                                 -12*s2*s3*a . comm(a,b) . b^^2 . a^^2

PPS. Here's the code at the moment.

/* copyright 2010 by Robert Dodier.
 * I release this work under terms of the GNU General Public License.

/* from Ted Wollett 2010-11-20:

    The ultimate objective is to symbolically evaluate things like
    comm (3*s1*a^^2 + 4*s2*b^^3 ,  (s3*a^^4)/5 - 6*s4*c^^5),
    with (s1,s2,s3) being declared scalars, and
    a^^2  =  a . a, for example, and

    with the final result in terms of comm (a, b) = -comm (b, a),
    comm (a, c) and comm (b, c),  letting the user  then
    replace  the basic commutators with whatever the algebra

    The use of  multiadditive gets the linear in each arg property
    of the commutator.

    In addition to the antisymmetric property of comm, we need
    to obey the basic product rules:

    comm (a . b ,c) --> a . comm(b, c) + comm (a, c) . b

    comm (a, b . c) -->  b . comm (a, c) + comm (a, b) . c

    in which the dot "." is being used for noncommutative
    multiplication, since (a, b, c) here are symbols which
    represent operators, matrices, etc., and hence we need
    to preserve the correct ordering of (a,b,c)  in the
    final result.


declare (bilinear, feature);
bilinearp (e) := featurep (e, bilinear);
declare (comm, bilinear);

matchdeclare (xx, bilinearp);
matchdeclare ([aa, bb, cc], all);
defrule (rbilineara1, xx (aa + bb, cc), map (lambda ([u], xx (u, cc)), bb));
defrule (rbilineara2, xx (cc, aa + bb), map (lambda ([u], xx (cc, u)), bb));

matchdeclare (xx, bilinearp);
matchdeclare (aa, scalarp);
matchdeclare (bb, nonscalarp);
matchdeclare (cc, all);
defrule (rbilinearm1, xx (aa * bb, cc), aa * xx (bb, cc));
defrule (rbilinearm2, xx (cc, aa * bb), aa * xx (cc, bb));

nctimesp (e) := not atom(e) and op(e) = ".";
matchdeclare (aa, nctimesp);
matchdeclare (cc, all);
defrule (rcommp1, comm (aa, cc), first (aa) . comm (rest (aa), cc) +
comm (rest (aa, -1), cc) . last (aa));
defrule (rcommp2, comm (cc, aa), first (aa) . comm (cc, rest (aa)) +
comm (cc, rest (aa, -1)) . last (aa));

matchdeclare (aa, nonscalarp);
matchdeclare (nn, integerp);
defrule (rncexpt, aa^^nn, apply (".", makelist (aa, i, 1, nn)));

/* put antisymmetric declaration here so built-in rules don't
interfere w/ rule definitions */
declare (comm, antisymmetric);

FOO (e) :=
   (e : apply1 (e, rbilineara1, rbilineara2, rbilinearm1, rbilinearm2),
    block ([dotexptsimp : false],
        apply1 (applyb1 (e, rncexpt), rcommp1, rcommp2)));

/* example:
    load (commutators);
    declare ([s1, s2, s3, s4], scalar);
    declare ([a, b, c], nonscalar);
    e : comm (3*s1*a^^2 + 4*s2*b^^3 ,  (s3*a^^4)/5 - 6*s4*c^^5);
    FOO (e);
    expand (%);