Subject: Pattern of (aa+nn*bb), matchdeclare, defmatch
From: Richard Fateman
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 07:59:54 -0800
Maybe you should describe your pattern better. For example, here is a
description that is probably NOT
what you mean:
the sum of one symbol squared and 3 times y squared.
Another that I think you don't mean..
Maybe you mean the sum of exactly two items, one of which is precisely
x^2 and the other is <some constant> times a symbol squared??
I suspect that you mean.
matchdeclare(q, freeof(y))
defmatch(m3, x^2+a*y^2,x,y)
then m3(x^2+3*y^2,x,y)
gives q=3,x=x,y=y
as the match.
If you don't want to specify x and y beforehand, then you should
reconsider your plan,
x^2+a*y^2 then matches, for example, 0. by assigning x=0 y=0 and
many other
So pick out x, pick out y.
On 11/23/2010 12:05 AM, Rhys Pratt wrote:
> I have tried to design a pattern to match such expressions as x^2+3*y^2 but failed.
> It's only a practice but I am really eager to learn why it failed.
> (%i1) matchdeclare([aa,bb], lambda([x], freeof("+",x)), nn, numberp);
> (%o1) done
> (%i2) defmatch(match1, aa);
> defmatch: evaluation of atomic pattern yields: aa
> (%o2) match1
> (%i3) defmatch(match2, nn*bb);
> (%o3) match2
> (%i4) defmatch(match3, aa+nn*bb);
> defmatch: nn*bb will be matched uniquely since sub-parts would otherwise be ambigious.
> (%o4) match3
> (%i5) match1(x^2);
> (%o5) [aa=x^2]
> (%i6) match1(3*y^2);
> (%o6) [aa=3*y^2]
> (%i7) match2(x^2);
> (%o7) false
> (%i8) match2(3*y^2);
> (%o8) [nn=3,bb=y^2]
> (%i9) match3(x^2+3*y^2);
> assignment: cannot assign to nn*bb
> -- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);
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