[newbie] zero file length when plotting (gnuplot-syntax)

On 12/6/10 8:56 AM, Hugo Coolens wrote:
> I'm trying to make a pslatex-file from a plot as follows:
> deltaurlrel(x):=1-1/(x*(1-x)*%beta+1);
> relplots:makelist(deltaurlrel(x),%beta,[0.1,0.213,0.444,1,4.545]);
> plot2d(relplots,[x,0.01,1],[legend,"beta0.1","beta0.213","beta0.444","beta1","beta4.545"],[gnuplot_preamble,"set
> terminal pslatex; set output 'plotrel.tex';"]);
> unfortunately the resulting file "plotrel.tex' is empty
> can anyone here tell me what (syntax?) error I'm making here?

Based on reading the code and some experimentation, it looks like you
want to say [gnuplot_term, "pslatex"] instead of setting the terminal in
gnuplot_preamble.  However, it appears that there is no way to change
the name of the output file.  It defaults to ~/maxout.pslatex.

This seems to be missing in the documentation for plot2d and
plot_options.  We really need to document all of the possible options
for plot2d.
