I'm having some difficulties with find_root, and I wonder if
anyone can help. I've already searched the mailing list
archives, and I've found some pertinent posts which led me
to quote the expression given to find_root, but this doesn't
seem to help.
Here is the problem. In the following call, delta and mphi
have numerical values (and so do all other function
arguments that appear in the code below, although I am not
giving these values here).
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
Binding stack exhausted.
Automatically continuing.
To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
INFO: Binding stack guard page unprotected
Binding stack guard page temporarily disabled: proceed
with caution
INFO: Binding stack guard page reprotected
Now the complete code is below. Thanks for any help.
ahatp(delta,epsilon,theta,min_phi) := block([a0],
a0 : alpha0(theta),
find_root('(N1th2(alpha,delta,epsilon,theta,min_phi) -
1/(2*theta_0p(alpha,delta,theta,min_phi))), 'alpha, 0, a0)
theta_0p(alpha,delta,theta,min_phi) :=
min(theta_inf(delta), alpha*theta/m, min_phi);
psi(alpha,theta) := 0.5*theta^2 -
if alpha > 0 then alpha*theta*log(m/(alpha*theta)) else 0;
alpha0(theta) := find_root(psi(alpha,theta), alpha, theta^2, 1);
C1p(alpha,theta) := (0.5*(m+mu_s)-1) / psi(alpha,theta);
C2p(alpha,epsilon,theta) :=
(m*log(1.2) + 1.0023*mu_s + log(2/epsilon+2.0) -
/ psi(alpha,theta);
/* The N_1 of Th. 2 */
N1th2(alpha,delta,epsilon,theta,min_phi) := block([c1,c2],
c1 : C1p(alpha,theta),
c2 : C2p(alpha,epsilon,theta),
if c1 < 0 then
error("this shouldn't happen!!"),
if c2 > 0 and c1+c2 >= 21 then
1.5*c1*log(c1+c2) + c2
elseif c2 <= 0 then
error("with C2 > 0, must have C1+C2 >= 21!")