error trying to build de documentation

On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 5:23 PM, Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at> wrote:

> Can't say anything about the modified build_index since I don't seem to
> have that, but I do agree that read-info-text needs to be modified to
> open the file with element-type unsigned-byte 8 and the result of
> read-sequence needs to be converted from an array of octets to a string
> using the correct encoding. ?All lisps have some way of doing this, but
> I'm not sure maxima currently knows what the encoding of the file is.

I disagree that read-info-text needs to be changed; at this point
I don't see any evidence that it is doing something wrong.
Given the offset and length, it reads the junk in the file.
The offset is certainly wrong, and maybe the length too,
but that's a problem to fix in

I say this after looking at the output of
od -Ad -w25 -c
and looking for the offsets for "expand" and "additive" in
that file. The stuff in the od output at those offsets is indeed
what's shown by ? expand and ? additive.

The offset for "expand" is way off the mark; it should be
287010 from what I can tell, but it's shown as 33336 in
maxima-index.lisp. I don't think that can be attributed
to the difference between bytes and characters.


Robert Dodier