Am Donnerstag, den 09.12.2010, 18:18 +0000 schrieb Leo Butler:
> I have spent a bit of time re-writing in lisp.
> I have a functional version that appears to work independent
> of the encoding.
> I think that there are several advantages to having the help index
> built in lisp:
> -as mentioned, this avoids encoding issues because the index can
> be built at runtime;
> -the present code can accomodate several master info files, which
> would allow a usser to add documentation, including 3rd party
> documentation at runtime;
> -the code runs in about 2sec on a netbook+sbcl, so it is practical
> to build the index on demand (e.g. when the first help query is made).
> Here's the cost: it's written with the cl-ppcre regex library that
> provides most Perl regexes for CL. Personally, I think that it
> is worth adding this to the Maxima code base, because nregex is,
> well, pretty primitive.
> Adding cl-ppcre would also allow better/more focused info queries,
> which I would be happy to add.
> Summary:
> The code is here:
> Please try it out and give me some feedback.
Hello Leo,
I would like to try the code. If I load the code in build-index.lisp I
get an error. I think, first I have to install the package cl-ppre. Do
you have some advices to add this package to my sandbox and to get the
code to work. I have already downloaded the version cl-ppcre-2.0.3.
Dieter Kaiser