On Thu, 9 Dec 2010, Dieter Kaiser wrote:
< Am Donnerstag, den 09.12.2010, 18:18 +0000 schrieb Leo Butler:
< > I have spent a bit of time re-writing build_index.pl in lisp.
< > I have a functional version that appears to work independent
< > of the encoding.
< >
< > I think that there are several advantages to having the help index
< > built in lisp:
< > -as mentioned, this avoids encoding issues because the index can
< > be built at runtime;
< > -the present code can accomodate several master info files, which
< > would allow a usser to add documentation, including 3rd party
< > documentation at runtime;
< > -the code runs in about 2sec on a netbook+sbcl, so it is practical
< > to build the index on demand (e.g. when the first help query is made).
< >
< > Here's the cost: it's written with the cl-ppcre regex library that
< > provides most Perl regexes for CL. Personally, I think that it
< > is worth adding this to the Maxima code base, because nregex is,
< > well, pretty primitive.
< >
< > Adding cl-ppcre would also allow better/more focused info queries,
< > which I would be happy to add.
< >
< > Summary:
< > The code is here:
< > http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~lbutler/build-index.lisp
< > Please try it out and give me some feedback.
< Hello Leo,
< I would like to try the code. If I load the code in build-index.lisp I
< get an error. I think, first I have to install the package cl-ppre. Do
< you have some advices to add this package to my sandbox and to get the
< code to work. I have already downloaded the version cl-ppcre-2.0.3.
Hi Dieter, If you use a Linux distro based on Debian, it is in the
repositories. That is what I have used.
However, as long as your Lisp/Maxima knows where to find the package, the
top line in build-index.lisp ought to compile and load the package.
(I got that from the package's web-page, which is part of the
the Debian package and installed under /usr/share/doc/).
Also, I just noticed that the build-index.lisp on my webpage
needs the line
(in-package :cl-info)
right after the line loading cl-ppcre. I've updated it.
One more thing, since the code is prototypical, I've not mucked about
with directories. It assumes that you are in the directory where your
info files are. So my examples were run in doc/info/es.utf8 and
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