On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 03:58:24PM +0000, Stanislav Maslovski wrote:
> Hello maxima-list,
> I am having a hard time with colors in a 3d plot. The command is like
> this (please, do not mind the arbitrary line breaks that this completely
> stupid MUA makes)
[ skipped ]
Is there really no workaround for this? Trying to ask for a second
time, now attaching a batch file. It produces surfaces with black top
and red bottom, but how can I change this to red and blue?
The version of maxima I am using is 5.22.1,
the version of gnuplot is 4.4.2.
-------------- next part --------------
lambda: [kz^2+ky^2, kz^2-ky^2];
plot3d(['realpart(lambda[1]), 'realpart(lambda[2]), [kz, -6, 6],
[ky, -6, 6]], [grid, 60, 60], [legend, false], [palette, false],
[color, blue, red, blue, red], [gnuplot_term, ps], [gnuplot_ps_term_command,
"set format z '%6.3f'; set term postscript eps enhanced color solid size 8.6 cm, 6.45 cm font 'TimesRoman,14'"],
[gnuplot_out_file, "re_lambda_eps_2_vc_0_6_att.eps"]);