plot3d, coloring

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 05:11:33PM +0000, Jaime Villate wrote:
> Hi,
> the color option was implemented with only one surface in mind. With
> more than one surface, it will not allow you to control individually the
> colors of each surface (the implementation will have to be extended for
> that).
> My advice to you is to add the following option to your plot3d command:
>   [plot_format,gnuplot]
> to make sure that a self-contained plot file is created. It will have
> the name maxout.gnuplot in your home directory. To achieve the result
> you want, edit that file directly and in the line that reads:
>  splot "-" title "'realpart(kz^2-ky^2)" with lines lt 1, "-" title
> "'realpart(kz^2+ky^2)" with lines lt 3

Thank you! I am not (yet) very fluent with gnuplot commands (and
especially with the internal logic they imply) but I will do like you

Thanks also to Mario and Eric for answering!
