Waldemar <waldemar4u at googlemail.com> wrote:
Dear Maxima community,
It is very hard to find some additional information about Maxima on
internet, because the most google hits are about nissan maxima,
maximas and minimas of some functions and so on. So I would like to
suggest, to rename Maxima in some more unique name.
This is really in intelligence test to keep too manhy ill equipped
potential users from discovering Maxima. Anyone can click on "advanced
search" and ask it to exclude any hits containing the word "nissan".
This is equivalent in regular google search to entering "maxima
-nissan". This produces entries concerning the CAS along with a few
harmless entries about comic characters and unrelated companies.
Googles great strength of providing a flat index of _everything_ is also
its greatest weakness. Forgive Google, for it knows not what it does.
Since Maxima is a descendant of Macsyma how about:
MacsymaNG <- Macsyma new/next generation.
OpenMacsyma <- similar to DOE Macsyma.
MacsymaS <- Macsyma Schelter's edition.
"Macsyma" is probably a trade name (?) and still a valuable property of
some cardboard box gathering dust on the floor of some lawyer's office.
That cardboard box still owns the name, and it would not be helpful for
the Maxima project to be sued by a cardboard box
BTW: Does anybody know what Macsyma stands for?
To answer your direct question: Yes, but you are evidently not one of
those people.
Look up Project Mac on wikipedia. MACSYMA doesn't appear there, but the
name derives from something like Project MAC SYMbolic Algebra.