Moch Ramis <mocramis at> writes:
> Thanks a lot to both ! it saved me. And sorry for late answer, i needed time
> to test it.
> By the way, is there a way to save the maxima command history into a file ?
> i tried save("filename"); but it says that there was a writing error.
I think you probably want writefile("filename"):
-- Function: writefile (<filename>)
Begins writing a transcript of the Maxima session to <filename>.
All interaction between the user and Maxima is then recorded in
this file, just as it appears on the console.
As the transcript is printed in the console output format, it
cannot be reloaded into Maxima. To make a file containing
expressions which can be reloaded, see `save' and `stringout'.
`save' stores expressions in Lisp form, while `stringout' stores
expressions in Maxima form.
.... (there's more documentation which I've snipped)
That said, I thoroughly recommend writing almost everything in a file
and running that. It's *very* rare that I ask maxima to do something
that takes lots of time so doing everything in the file each time isn't
too much of a problem. Then of course you get to keep the commands you
For an even nicer solution, you might try maxima-mode in Emacs. Although
that's probably only "nicer" if you're already keen on the Emacs OS.
P.S. Small point of email etiquette: please don't top-post! See
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