On 12/24/10 4:11 PM, Robert Dodier wrote:
> On 12/24/10, Erich Neuwirth <erich.neuwirth at univie.ac.at> wrote:
>> Will there be a Mac version this time?
> Well, there will, if someone with a Mac development system builds it.
> I don't know much about building on a Mac.
> It seems the general requirements to build Maxima from a tar.gz
> would be GCC + some Lisp source code + Maxima tar.gz.
> Use GCC to build Lisp (ECL? Clisp?, whatever), then use Lisp to build Maxima.
You need autoconf and automake to run bootstrap. Fortunately that comes
with OS X. You need gnu make to run the build process, but that also
comes with OS X. Just about any lisp that runs on a Mac will probably
compile maxima. I personally have used clisp, ccl, cmucl, and ecl to
build maxima. They all work fine.
> (Ready-made documentation is included in the tar.gz so you
> don't need makeinfo or texi2html.)
This are also included in OS X. I think, however, to get all of these
tools, you might need to install XCode, which is also available for free
from Apple.
I don't know how to build a dmg installer for OSX, but I can certainly
provide a tarball that could be installed on OSX.
Happy Holidays!