In our test system, for the difference between two floating-point numbers
we use the test
abs(expr1-expr2) < 2 * 10^(no_digits(max(abs(expr1), abs(expr2)))-16)
no_digits(x) := if x = 0 then 0 else entier(log(x)/log(10)) + 1$
which worked until now, but it might be too harsh.
On the other hand, the difference of
4.830986538632788-4.83098653863282 ~ -3.197442310920451e-14
is gigantic (so well, at least to me ;-)) ?
The question is what would be a reasonable number instead of "2" above?
Any idea?
> > The deviation for n=10000 of testf1(n) seems quite big.
> You mean the difference of between 4.830986538632788 and
> 4.83098653863282? That doesn't seem so large to me, but I would have
> expected them to be the same. It might take some time to figure out why
> the results are different, but my guess would be the change in how
> float(log(n)) is computed.
> In 5.21, it just called cl:log to compute the result. In 5.22, the
> method was changed to allow computing float(log(<really big integer or
> rational>)). For ecl and gcl, this results in the computation of two
> logs and their sum, which could account for the difference. On other
> lisps, we just try log first and if it signals an error, we use the new
> method.
Aha, thus it got slower. So well, it seems we need to lower our
expectations for some time ...
Dr. Oliver Kullmann
Computer Science Department
Swansea University
Faraday Building, Singleton Park
Swansea SA2 8PP, UK