how to simplify this equation


There are many possible simplifications for expressions like this.

To take a simpler case, which is the "simplest" form:

1) sin(a)*cos(a)*sin(b)
2) sin(2*a)*sin(b)/2
3) (cos(b-2*a) - cos(b+2*a))/4

I suspect that each of these forms is best in a different situation.

There are a couple of things you ought to do before trying to simplify your

1) There is apparently a typo, where you write sin*(b) -- I assume this
should be sin(b).
2) The Maxima convention is that 0.5 is an approximate number
(floating-point) and 1/2 is an exact number.  As it happens, trigsimp treats
0.5 as equivalent to 1/2, but other parts of Maxima do not.  So it is best
to use 1/2 systematically.
3) I see that you use the variable 'i' once in your expression -- is that
correct?  or should it be %i?

After you do that, I recommend you try various combinations of trigsimp,
trigreduce, trigexpand, factor, factorsum, facsum, etc.

Assuming i should be %i, the best I could do was:

expr:    /* corrected expression */








texpr: trigsimp(expr);

facsum(texpr,[operator(sin),operator(cos)]);     /* collect terms */

which gives


This can do doubt be massaged further.


On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 01:06, razif razali <razif66 at> wrote:

> 0.5*(0.5*(1+n)*cos(a)*cos(b)*sin(a)*sin(b)/(1+n)+0.5*(1+n)^2*(cos(a))^2*(sin(a))^2)+(0.5*%i/sqrt(1+n))*(-(0.5*%i*n/sqrt(1+n))*(cos(a))^2*(cos(b))^2-(0.5*i*n*(1+n)/sqrt(1+n))*(cos(a))^2*(sin(b))^2)+(0.5/(1+n))*(((0.5*(cos(a))^2*(cos(b))^2+0.5*(cos(b))^2*(sin(b))^2+0.5*n^2*(cos(a))^2*(sin(b))^2+0.5*n*(sin(a))^2*(sin(b))^2)/(1+n))+0.5*(1+n)*cos(a)*cos(b)*sin(a)*sin(b))-(0.5*%i/sqrt(1+n))*(0.5*%i*n*sqrt(1+n)*(cos(a))^2*(sin(b))^2+(0.5*%i*n/sqrt(1+n))*(sin(a))^2*(sin*(b))^2)
> i got this equation and try to simplify it in maxima
> i try used trigsimp command but still couldnt get simplest equation that i
> want
> hope someone can help me into this. i think the trick should be
> trigonometry identity but then when i used trigsimp the equation still not
> simplify using trigonometri identity
> thanks for looking into this
> --
> Regards,
> Tutor & Master Student,
> Physics Department,
> Faculty Of Science,
> Universiti Teknologi Malaysia(UTM).
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