how to make maxima create equation like i give in attachment

1. first of all, you already sent the pdf file to everyone.

2. Maxima notation does not have "superscripted" variables. However, it 
does allow any number of subscripts.
Therefore you can encode your function as  f[2*n,k],  or even better to 
show the dependency on s,
you can use the notation f[2*n,k](s).

3. The notation for derivatives is this:    diff(   f[2*n,k](s),  s).

4. The notation for square roots is   sqrt(n-k-1)

5.  If you want to make lists of equations, you can use makelist(). You 
can read about
it by typing  ? makelist   in to the command line of wxmaxima, which I 
hope you are using.

6. If you plan to do anything with Maxima, I suggest you read a tutorial.
It is not the same as TeX.

On 1/4/2011 11:30 PM, razif razali wrote:
> General equation
> df(2n_k) / ds = \psi [ (k-1) sqrt {n-k+2} f(2n_k-1) - k sqrt{n-k+1} 
> f(2n_k+1)
> with k = 1,2,3,4,5...n+1 , and n = 0,1,2,3,4...n
> for n=0 , we will get df(0_1) / ds = 0
> for n=1, we should get equation for df(2_1)/ds and df(2_2)/ds
> and for n=2, we should get equation for df(4_1)/ds , df(4_2)/ds and 
> df(4_3)/ds respectively.
> For higher n it should follow the general equation and will generate 
> n+1 differential equation from it,
> so what i want to do is, how to code in maxima and get all those 
> differential equation from general equation by just giving maxima the 
> value of n number.
> hope someone can help me and sorry for bad writing in this email 
> because i try to attach pdf file but then its too large for 
> maxima newslater to broadcast it to all of you.
> Thanks a lot, if someone need the pdf file, i'll sent those file 
> directly to you when you reply this problem.
> regards
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