Maybe exponentialize + solve is what you want, at least in this simple
case, since it is a system of rational equations in %e^x :
(%i2) f: y = (%e^(2*x)+1)/(%e^(2*x)-1)+%c;
(%o2) y = (%e^(2*x)+1)/(%e^(2*x)-1)+%c
(%i3) solve([t=exponentialize(tanh(x)),f],[%e^x,y]);
(%o3) [[%e^x = %r1,y = (%c*t+1)/t]]
Le 09/01/2011 12:08, nijso beishuizen a ?crit :
> Hello all,
> I have some problems rewriting the following expression to the tanh function:
> f: y = (%e^(2*x)+1)/(%e^(2*x)-1)+%c;
> I only know about the 'trick' to substitute an imaginary number and then use
> demoivre. However, I could not make maxima convert the equation above to tanh.
> Is there another way to proceed here? Or is there now a more elegant way like
> using a default simplifying rule that uses hyperbolic functions?
> Regards,
> NB
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