Maxima by Example, Ch. 12, Dirac Algebra
and Quantum Electrodynamics update Jan. 10, 2011.
The file dgtrace.mac has a revised version of the function reduce_g5 which
corrects the trace of a product of Gamma5 with a product of eight Dirac
gamma matrices. This revision has no connection to the calculations in the
twelve batch files which illustrate QED problems. The file traceConEx.mac
has been slightly changed, and the new pdf file reflects the new correct
Gamma5 trace calculation.
The corrected section makes use of the Chisholm-Kahane Dirac matrix
identity which expresses a product of three Dirac matrices as a series of
four terms, three of which are proportional to a single Dirac matrix,
and the last is proportional to gamma5*(one Dirac matrix)
(see page 14 of the pdf file).
The following Windows zip file contains all Chapter 12 files, including the
pdf. : All Ch. 12 Files, 1-10-11, Maxima 5.21.1, 444 KB --NEW--
The following tar.gz file contains all Ch. 12 files, including the pdf file.
--mbe12dirac.tar.gz : All Ch. 12 Files, 1-10-11, Maxima 5.21.1, 429
KB --NEW--
the updated files are:
1. --mbe12dirac.pdf : Ch. 12, Dirac Algebra and Quantum Electrodynamics,
1-10-11, Maxima 5.21.1, 68 pages, --NEW--
5. --dgtrace.mac : Symbolic trace code, 1-10-11, Maxima 5.21.1, --NEW--
21. --traceConEx.mac : Batch file which demonstrates many of the most
used Dirac package functions,
1-10-11, Maxima 5.21.1, --NEW--
Ted Woollett