I noticed recently that tex-mcond is quite broken:
(%i2) tex(if x<0 then 0)$
[looks like: if x<0 then 0 else false]
(%i3) tex(if x<0 then 0 elseif x>0 then 1)$
[looks like: if x<0 then 0 else 1]
(%i4) tex(if x<0 then 0 elseif x>0 then 1 else 1/2)$
[looks like: if x<0 then 0 else 1]
The code assumes that the mcond contains only two clauses, and that
the condition of the second clause is T. Thus it only handles the
following case correctly: "if <cond> then <e1> else <e2>"
Also, it contains logic to print only "if <cond> then <e1>" if the
result of the second clause is '$false. I believe it should be
checking for NIL instead, since Maxima parses "false" as NIL,
and NIL is what one actually finds in such expressions:
(%i5) ?print(if x<0 then 0)$
After applying the patch below, these are the new results:
(%i2) tex(if x<0 then 0)$
(%i3) tex(if x<0 then 0 elseif x>0 then 1)$
(%i4) tex(if x<0 then 0 elseif x>0 then 1 else 1/2)$
If I don't hear any objections, I will soon commit this patch to both
the trunk and the 5.23 branch.