Bugs in tex-mcond

Richard Fateman <fateman at eecs.berkeley.edu> writes:
> I'm not sure about the nil vs $false, but it looks like a bug in
> handling "if".
> in particular  tex ('(if x>0 then 0));  works just fine.

Interesting.  Notice the end of PARSE-CONDITION in nparse.lisp:

   (t ; Note: $false instead of () makes DISPLA suppress display!
    (list t '$false)))))

DIM-MCOND in displa.lisp handles both cases:

   (unless (or (eq '$false else-or-then) (eq nil else-or-then))

and it also handles a third case, when the last condition is not T.
All three of these cases are rendered as "if a then b" by DISPLA:

    ((%mcond) $a $b)
    ((%mcond) $a $b t nil)
    ((%mcond) $a $b t $false)

I wouldn't be surprised if we could remove this old '$FALSE cruft from
both nparse.lisp and displa.lisp.  However, I don't feel confident that
I understand the possible consequences.  Therefore, I have changed
mactex.lisp to handle all three cases the same as DISPLA does.

Here's a new patch.  Comments and suggestions welcome, or else I'll soon
commit this to both the trunk and the 5.23 branch.


*** mactex.lisp	22 Nov 2009 04:53:36 -0000	1.71
--- mactex.lisp	11 Jan 2011 01:49:10 -0000
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,5 ----
+ ;;; -*-  Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
  (in-package :maxima)
  ;; TeX-printing
*** 937,950 ****
  	((= c 1)(cons (car n)(odds (cdr n) 0)))
  	((= c 0)(odds (cdr n) 1))))
  (defun tex-mcond (x l r)
!   (append l
! 	  (tex (cadr x) '("\\mathbf{if}\\;")
! 	       '("\\;\\mathbf{then}\\;") 'mparen 'mparen)
! 	  (if (eql (fifth x) '$false)
! 	      (tex (caddr x) nil r 'mcond rop)
! 	      (append (tex (caddr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)
! 		      (tex (fifth x) '("\\;\\mathbf{else}\\;") r 'mcond rop)))))
  (defprop mdo tex-mdo tex)
  (defprop mdoin tex-mdoin tex)
--- 939,964 ----
  	((= c 1)(cons (car n)(odds (cdr n) 0)))
  	((= c 0)(odds (cdr n) 1))))
+ ;; Modified by Mark H Weaver <mhw at netris.org> in January 2011 to add
+ ;; support for MCOND expressions containing more than one non-T
+ ;; condition, i.e. elseif, which was added after this code was
+ ;; originally written by RJF.  The format of MCOND expressions is
+ ;; documented above the definition of dim-mcond in displa.lisp.
  (defun tex-mcond (x l r)
!   (labels
!       ((recurse (x l)
! 	 (append
! 	  (tex (car x) l '("\\;\\mathbf{then}\\;") 'mparen 'mparen)
! 	  (cond ((member (cddr x) '(() (t nil) (t $false)) :test #'equal)
! 		 (tex (second x) nil r 'mcond rop))
! 		((eq (third x) t)
! 		 (append
! 		  (tex (second x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)
! 		  (tex (fourth x) '("\\;\\mathbf{else}\\;") r 'mcond rop)))
! 		(t (append
! 		    (tex (second x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)
! 		    (recurse (cddr x) '("\\;\\mathbf{elseif}\\;"))))))))
!   (append l (recurse (cdr x) '("\\mathbf{if}\\;")))))
  (defprop mdo tex-mdo tex)
  (defprop mdoin tex-mdoin tex)