Bugs in tex-mcond

On 1/10/11, Mark H Weaver <mhw at netris.org> wrote:

> + ;; Modified by Mark H Weaver <mhw at netris.org> in January 2011 to add
> + ;; support for MCOND expressions containing more than one non-T
> + ;; condition, i.e. elseif, which was added after this code was
> + ;; originally written by RJF.  The format of MCOND expressions is
> + ;; documented above the definition of dim-mcond in displa.lisp.

I'm sorry to say it, but this is a mess.
I'm all for comments in the code, but please, in the name
of all that is good, just stick to what's technically relevant.
Commentary like the stuff shown above is best left to
the CVS log.

Maybe in some rare cases it is necessary to let the outside
world intrude in form of names and dates and historical
commentary. But for crying out loud, consider what a swamp,
what a mess Maxima would be if we had decades of such
cruft cluttering up the code. Interesting parts of Maxima have
been touched by dozens of hands over many years -- do we
really need to recapitulate the whole freaking Old Testament
in order to show what the code does? It's too ugly to


Robert Dodier