Error in Gnuplot??

I think that the issue is fixed in cvs head and on the release branch
(the changes I committed are a little different from those that I used
for 5.23.)


On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 7:00 PM, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> wrote:
> OK, thanks for the info.
> I will tag 5.23.1 in CVS in a day or so and then
> you can create an updated package.
> (There have been some other minor fixes on the release branch
> if I'm not mistaken.)
> best
> Robert Dodier
> On 1/13/11, Andrej Vodopivec <andrej.vodopivec at> wrote:
>> This is a packaging problem. I will set the GNUPLOT_PS_DIR variable in
>> maxima.bat so that gnuplot will find
>> Andrej
>> On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 5:21 PM, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at>
>> wrote:
>>> Is this a packaging problem of some kind?
>>> Who needs to solve it? -- wxMaxima, Maxima, or the user?
>>> best
>>> Robert
>>> On 1/12/11, Mario Rodriguez <biomates at> wrote:
>>>> El mi?, 12-01-2011 a las 14:56 +0100, Wilhelm Haager escribi?:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I suppose, the new Maxima (5.23.0) contains an erroneous version of
>>>>> Gnuplot (version 4.4).
>>>>> The following command lets Gnuplot crash (at least under Windows XP):
>>>> Hello,
>>>> It seems to be a problem specific to Windows.
>>>> When I run (in Linux through Wine)
>>>> Maxima-5.23.0/bin/wgnuplot.exe
>>>> and write the following commans:
>>>> set term postscript
>>>> set out "myfile"
>>>> plot sin (x)
>>>> I get this output:
>>>> Can't find PostScript prologue file C:\Archivos de programa
>>>> \Maxima-5.23.0\\share/gnuplot/4.4/PostScript\
>>>> ? ? ? ? loadpath is empty
>>>> Please copy to one of the above directories
>>>> or set the loadpath appropriately
>>>> or set the environmental variable GNUPLOT_PS_DIR
>>>> ? ? ? ? ?Plot failed!
>>>> I've found in this folder:
>>>> Maxima-5.23.0/bin/share/PostScript
>>>> --
>>>> Mario
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