segmentation faults when loading Lisp code

okay, thanks; so I try now to compile Ecl with the new defaults
(just need to find these constants somewhere ...).
For us that's perfectly already, since we re-distribute Maxima together
with Ecl, and build it ourselves.

Thanks again!


On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 11:23:44AM -0800, Richard Fateman wrote:
> It seems perfectly likely that ECL cannot change its memory 
> configuration properly
> when there is some program running.  Perhaps the changes to memory have
> to be done from the top-level read-eval-print loop, or even on a (unix?)
> command line.
> Changing the stack size when you are running is kind of like trying to 
> change
> your socks while you are standing.
> If you have an open file (using batch) it may be like standing in shoes.
> Other lisp systems seem to require various drastic measures to change
> the memory size, like re-loading or even re-compiling (GCL?).
> The fact that ECL stays up  when the commands are called from the
> shell  (sometimes) is a plus.
> Something to try, perhaps:  read in a program (via batch)  but do not 
> execute
> it until you close the batch file.
>  I suspect you might find more robust support
> for this kind of fiddling from one of the commercial Lisps, but this
> is merely a guess from someone who does not have any
> knowledge of ECL.