Inconsistency when using previously defined variables as arguments to functions

If you want to see another "solution", look at Mathematica.  This 
program was designed by
people who presumably had the opportunity to see what was done not only 
by Macsyma,
but by Reduce, Axiom, Maple, ....
They came up with Attributes for functions that include
Protected, ReadProtected, Locked, Temporary, HoldFirst, HoldRest, 
HoldAll, Flat, Orderless, OneIdentity, Listable, Constant, Stub, 
NHoldFirst, NHoldRest, NHoldAll, NumericFunction, SequenceHold, and 

These Attributes control how functions' arguments are evaluated by 
default, how functions are numerically evaluated, and how functions
can be redefined. Also, how simplification and pattern matching works. 
In addition to these Attributes, there are functions
like ReleaseHold, Evaluate, EvaluatorNames, and who knows what else.

I mention all this not to indicate that "here's a solution we should 
adapt to Maxima."    I mention it to point out
that -- if there is such a thing as a clean solution --- Wolfram has 
certainly not found it.


On 1/31/2011 7:29 AM, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 23:55, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at 
> <mailto:robert.dodier at>> wrote:
>     On 1/30/11, Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at
>     <mailto:macrakis at>> wrote:
>     > * ev is a weird and complicated routine, and you should avoid
>     using it
>     > unless you absolutely have to.
>     The problem with ev is that it's too complicated to be able to predict
>     what's going to happen when it's called. I'm in favor of moving most
>     of the 50 different things it does into separate functions.
> The reason 'ev' is such a mess is that it is really a "do what I mean" 
> system designed so that the command-line syntax xxx, yyy will work 
> 'intuitively'.  I agree entirely that all its functions should be 
> available through clean, separate functions; and there are only a few 
> functions that are not already available that way.  Most of the 50 
> things it does already do exist as independent functions or global 
> variable settings.  One of the nice things ev does for you is let you 
> forget whether something is a function or a global variable.  For 
> example ev(x,ratsimp) == ratsimp(x), but ev(x,numer) == 
> block([numer:true], x); and then there's ev(x,float) == 
> block([float:true],x) which is NOT equivalent to float(x) :-( .
>     That said, the function exists and it's documented, so we can hardly
>     be surprised that people use it.
> I agree.  There should be a big WARNING at the top of the documentation.
>     > * ev( ... , simp ) is synonymous with ev( ... ) unless you have
>     previously
>     > set simp to false (which is a bad idea).  What did you expect it
>     to do?
>     I disagree that simp:false is a bad idea. The effect is exactly what
>     one would expect; it disables built-in simplifications. If that's what
>     you want, then great.
> Certainly, simp:false has its uses.  But in this case, I very much 
> doubt that the user actually needed or wanted simp:false.
>     Maxima is kind of clumsy with simplification -- there really isn't any
>     way to control built-in simplifications, short of disabling them
>     entirely. That's a serious design flaw IMNSHO.
> The simplest way to control built-in simplifications is judicious use 
> of box().  Beyond that, things get tricky.  For example, the fact that 
> "+" is commutative and associative allows Maxima to have a standard 
> order of arguments, which simplifies and speeds up many algorithms. 
>  If I decided to turn off the associativity of "+", many many things 
> in Maxima would no longer work -- not just in the simplification of 
> "+", but any function which assumes that constant arguments precede 
> variable arguments, for example.  (That is not sloppy programming, but 
> an explicit part of the 'contract' of Maxima's internal representation.)
> It is of course possible to imagine a system that works directly from 
> the axioms (which could be switched on and off), but I would think it 
> would be much slower and less powerful (because there are many 
> non-trivial theorems which the system would have to rederive). 
>  Another approach is what we currently do with the "." operator, which 
> has a large (and confusing) array of switches; the main problem right 
> now is that there is only one "." operator, and no clear way to define 
> the interactions between multiple operators (say that operator *** is 
> left-distributive over operator +++).  Perhaps that is one way forward.
> What do you have in mind as a design?
>              -s
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