Maxima sourceforge repository

On 1/31/11 3:37 PM, Leo Butler wrote:
>  Ray, I think there is another factor to consider: what appeals to 
>  younger, talented hackers. On my reading, git is far more appealing
>  to this group (anecdotal evidence: this past week our phd students
>  had a self-organised seminar on using git to manage their dissertation
>  writing--I can't imagine them talking about subversion or mercurial,
>  though, despite our university officially supporting subversion 
>  'private' repositories).
>  The Maxima project needs to attract such hackers for its long run health.

Sorry, but in my crotchety old age cynicism, I can't imagine young
hackers saying, "Oh dang.  It's not using git.  I don't want to hack on
it."   And my cynicism also says we don't need hackers who say "Oh
look!  It's uses git.  I can hack on it!!!!"


I'm not arguing that we use hg and not git.  If it's not cvs, I have a
bit of learning to do, not least of which is getting a replacement for
my trusty old friend in pcl-cvs in emacs.
>  Btw, what sort of support will SF provide for moving repos from one rcs
>  to another?
I doubt there will be any support other than you can enable svn, hg, or git.

FWIW, though, I did convert series yesterday from cvs to git.  Went ok,
but I think I messed up a few things which I'll have to fix up when
shell access is enabled again.  Not really important, but I kind of
wanted all of the cvs history, including labels and branches.
