Dear David,
I believe the original author wanted function gamma() to be formatted as
Gamma() by tex(). As the side effect, the small letter gamma is also formatted
as Gamma. That is why the comment "THIS IS UNFORTUNATE .." appears, I guess.
Since function gamma() has been defined as gamma(), it may be difficult to
change the function name to Gamma(). Rather, what I propose is to keep the
function name as is, while the tex() function changes its behavior
to format the function gamma() as \Gamma.
Yasuaki Honda
On 2011/02/12, at 2:08, David Ronis wrote:
> Actually this looks like a bug. The behavior should be gamma for
> lowercase and Gamma for upper. This works for alpha and Alpha, beta
> and Beta. Gamma is the name of a built-in function, so perhaps there's
> an issue here.
> David
> On Fri, 2011-02-11 at 09:41 -0700, Robert Dodier wrote:
>> OK by me to change the way tex handles gamma,
>> but let's do it by simply defining the appropriate properties
>> instead of by calling texput.
>> best
>> Robert Dodier
>>> RCS file: /cvsroot/maxima/maxima/src/mactex.lisp,v
>>> retrieving revision 1.74
>>> diff -r1.74 mactex.lisp
>>> 469c469
>>> < (defprop %gamma "\\Gamma" texword) ; THIS IS UNFORTUNATE ...
>>> ---
>>>> (defprop %gamma "\\gamma" texword) ; THIS IS UNFORTUNATE ...
>>> 1173a1174,1192
>>>> (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
>>>> (simplify
>>>> (mfunction-call $texput
>>>> (trd-msymeval %gamma '%gamma)
>>>> (m-tlambda ($arglist)
>>>> (declare (special $arglist))
>>>> ((lambda ($vx)
>>>> (declare (special $vx))
>>>> (mset '((mlist (3 "tex-gamma.mac" src))
>>>> $vx)
>>>> (simplify ($args $arglist)))
>>>> (simplify
>>>> (mfunction-call $concat
>>>> '"\\Gamma\\left("
>>>> (simplify
>>>> (mfunction-call $tex1
>>>> $vx))
>>>> '"\\right)")))
>>>> '$vx))))
>>>> )
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