mockmma for maxima

I've been fiddling with getting "MockMMA" working within the limitations of
GCL / Windows / Maxima, as well as fixing up features generally so that
Albert Rich's RUBI program can run.  MockMMA is a program that looks like
Mathematica syntactically.  RUBI  is a rule-based integration program.

Here's what you can do now:  load the programs in the directory

into your computer.   I put them in   c:\lisp\mma4max  on mine, and you'll
see that in the instructions...

You can then run the commands shown there from the COMMAND LINE Maxima.
(I ran that in EMACS so I could retain the transcript easily)

I assume that with some minor changes it can be run in wxmaxima, but
this is not something I know enough about.  Maybe Andrej V will look
at it.

It is possible to type in many commands that look just like Mathematica,
and get answers out that look just like Mathematica.  It is also
possible to write programs in Lisp (or MockMMA) that call Maxima
commands..  It is also possible to write Maxima commands that call
MockMMA, though about the only reason to do that would be to
use pattern matching, which takes quite a different approach from pattern
matching in Maxima.   There are bunches of other facilities in MockMMA,
but they tend to be less thoroughly implemented than in Maxima.
The exception may be RUBI, work for the future.

You can also run the mma4max stuff in other lisps, and generally it
will work better than in GCL because identifiers etc will have 2
cases without any hackery.    I tried CCL and Allegro.

There is a rudimentary README file;  I have not checked out any
of the instructions from the perspective of someone without some
knowledge of Lisp; if you have comments, questions, corrections, etc.
I will try to respond as appropriate.  You can send email to me
directly, but please put Mockmma + something descriptive ...
  in the subject line.

Richard Fateman