On 2/14/11 7:58 AM, Matthew Gwynne wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 12:51 PM, Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I do not know if this is cause, but Maxima's print is not the same as
>> Python's write. Print has to convert the internal format of the list to
>> a suitable output form, possibly also checking to see how to do a nice
>> 2D display.
> In that case, is there something else we should be using if we have
> the strings anyway?
You can punt to a Lisp function. This seems to run much faster.
Perhaps not as fast as Python, but maybe fast enough for you.
with_stdout("test.txt", for i : 1 thru 100000 do (?princ(A), ?terpri()))$
If this is still not fast enough, I'm sure we can come up with something
better, perhaps resorting to a simple Lisp function.