build-index, cl-ppcre and github

2011/2/15 Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at>

> On 2/15/11 4:19 PM, Leo T Butler wrote:
> >
> > Edi Weitiz pointed out this is a bug in gcl; at least the bit that gcl
> > barfs on is  valid cl a la the hyperspec. To be honest, I haven't been
> > able to build HEAD with gcl for more than a year. I don't know how
> > others manage.
> I haven't built gcl in quite some time.  I did succeed about a year ago,
> with some hacking on Solaris machine.  the same hacks were not enough to
> get gcl built on a Linux machine (!).  At that point, I gave up.
> Since ccl works nicely on Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX (which probably
> covers 99% of all maxima users), I think that would be a candidate.  And
> ccl has commercial support, which is a bonus for those who might need
> it.  And it's open source for those who want to hack on it.
> Ray
I have succesfully built both gcl and maxima against it on my Slackware 13.1
. The only problem I had at the beginning (some months ago) was the readline
support, but this was due to a ./configure problem, in fact gcl was assuming
that was dynamically linked to libncurses, but this not true
for Slackware, altough it is for Debian/Ubuntu.
Camm Maguire helped me a lot with this issue by modifying the configure
script, and now the build process works fine.
Maybe you can retry now, I don't know if this was your problem.
I'm using gcl because of its speeed. Before I was using clisp, but it is
really slow compared to gcl.
