Hello list, i am solving the simple system of the equations:
(%i2) solve([pasquare*pbsquare*costhetavkv=((-ma^2-mb^2+mc^2)/2 + Ea*Eb)^2,pasquare=Ea^2-ma^2,pbsquare=Eb^2-mb^2],[Eb,pbsquare,pasquare]);
In the output there is the factor sqrt(ma-Ea), but in my task Ea>ma, so this factor does not have any sense. It seems that when maxima encounters expression sqrt(a*b) it returns sqrt(a)*sqrt(b). But in case of a<0 and b<0 the answer is sqrt(-a)*sqrt(-b).
Is it possible to make maxima to hold sqrt(a*b) and not divide in into sqrt(a)*sqrt(b)?
P.S. sorry for my rough english