assumptions in solve()

>Although the term sqrt(ma-Ea) is purely imaginary, for some parameters the solution is purely real:
>(%i26) sol:solve([pasquare*pbsquare*costhetavkv=((-ma^2-mb^2+mc^2)/2 + Ea*Eb)^2,pasquare=Ea^2-
>       [Eb,pbsquare,pasquare])$
>(%i29) subst([Ea=2,ma=1,costhetavkv=0],sol);
>That looks real to me. You might try using the function 'rootscontract.'

Thanks,  rootscontract  solved problem, but i think that  disabling of  sqrt(a*b) --> sqrt(a)*sqrt(b) in solve() is better solution.
may be it is  possible?