foreign language patch for build-index+cl-ppcre branch

I've attached a patch for the build-index+cl-ppcre branch in Git.

>From what I can tell, characters in languages other than
English aren't displayed correctly by ? and ??;
the problem is that the code reads bytes instead of
characters from the .info files.
This patch fixes that problem, I hope. Also there are some
related changes to the build machinery (makefiles).

I'm working on Xubuntu (Hardy).
I tested these changes like this:

./configure --enable-clisp --enable-sbcl --enable-lang-es-utf8

LC_ALL=es_ES.UTF-8 konsole


LC_ALL=pt_PT.UTF-8 konsole

and in the konsole thus opened

sh maxima-local -l clisp


sh maxima-local -l sbcl

and tried various ? and ?? queries.


Robert Dodier
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