-----maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu wrote: -----
The optional package to_poly_solver has a function that will solve this equation:
?(%i1) load(to_poly_solver)$
??Loading maxima-grobner $Revision: 1.6 $ $Date: 2009/06/02 07:49:49 $
?(%i2) sol : %solve((abs(q)*abs(4*Q+(2^(3/2)+1)*q))/(8*%pi*a^2*abs(eps0)),Q)$
The solution is lengthy and has (redundant) conditions on the parameters. Let's
tell Maxima that eps0 # 0, q # 0 and re-simplify:
?(%i3) assume(notequal(eps0,0),notequal(q,0));
?(%o3) [notequal(eps0,0),notequal(q,0)]
To re-simplify, use the (undocumented, I think) trick
?(%i4) expand(sol,0,0);
?(%o4) %union([Q=-((2^(3/2)+1)*q)/4])
Your equation is equivalent to 4*Q+(2^(3/2)+1)*q = 0. Since this equation is linear in Q, all the
conditionals in sol should simplify to true automatically, I think. We should alert the author of
to_poly_solve (and that would be me).