plotting data that is in an array

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 3:59 PM, Jaime Villate <villate at> wrote:

> On Wed, 2011-02-23 at 10:56 -0500, Doug Stewart wrote:
> > I tried:  plot2d(difar[x],[x,1,200]); plot2d: expression evaluates to
> > non-numeric value somewhere in plotting range.
> The form plot2d(difar[x], [x,1,200]);
> would only work if difar[x] existed for any value of x between 1 and
> 200, for instance difar[2.345409689].
> To make a plot with points, look at the examples of plot2d with the
> "discrete" option in the manual (? plot2d).
> Regards,
> Jaime
> I guess i'm not smart enough to use maxima, because I still don't get it.

I have an array made with
I have put numbers in the array.
I want to plot the array. Could someone give me an exact line that will plot
this array?