Which Lisp for Windows if not GCL? WAS: foreign language patch for build-index+cl-ppcre branch

On 2/27/2011 6:20 AM, Barton Willis wrote:
> Is Allegro CL a possibility for Windows?
Technically, I think so. At least it was pretty easy last time I
tried it.   It would also have the advantage of allowing
the same implementation (or same brand of implementation) on Linux,
Mac, and other platforms.

Politically, it would not be GPL. But then, Windows isn't GPL either :)

Financially/legally -- Franz Inc would have to weigh in if someone needs
the full version of Allegro.
> If the free Express Edition
Last I looked the free edition could run Maxima, so it would be necessary
to get the full version only if the (rather generous) limits on the free 
are exceeded.

The only difficulty I recall encountering was the
somewhat mysterious situation that the compiler was not able to compile some
of the converted-from-FORTRAN programs in the free edition; no problem
compiling in the full version and then loading into the free version.  I've
personally been using the free version for years.
> isn't up to the task, why not the full version of Allegro? Or would a
> Maxima compiled with Allegro CL be illegal to distribute (due to the
> way that Maxima gives the user access to CL)?
Someone distributing Maxima on top of full Allegro would indeed have to have
permission to distribute Allegro, which would have to be reconciled with 
Franz Inc's
business model. Distributing on top of  the free version might require 
some kind of
registration.  Perhaps SMH who reads this mail would make inquiries / 
chime in.
(Maybe significant is that the number of copies of Maxima  of August 2010
version exceeds 219,000, and from the recent release of Feb 4, already 
  Just counting Windows. )