foreign language patch for build-index+cl-ppcre branch
Subject: foreign language patch for build-index+cl-ppcre branch
From: Leo Butler
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2011 21:31:09 +0000 (GMT)
On Sun, 27 Feb 2011, Robert Dodier wrote:
< I;ve updated my sandbox with
< git pull origin
< git checkout origin/build-index+cl-ppcre
< nuked all maxima-index.lisp files, and ran make.
< maxima-index.lisp all look OK.
< In ISO-8859 locales, titles and content look OK.
< In UTF-8 locales, same behavior as before;
< titles look OK, content has garbled characters.
< I am launching a UTF-8 session via
< LC_ALL=foo.UTF-8 LANG=foo.UTF-8 konsole &
< and running maxima in that.
< If someone else is seeing special characters displayed
< correctly in UTF-8 locales -- how are you launching Maxima?
Perhaps I was running the wrong/incomparable test:
Non utf8: inside an xterm.
Utf8: inside an emacs shell running in an xterm.
I do not set the locale, my locale is en_GB.iso88591.
Following Doug Crosher's suggestion, I added a flag
to cut-out the recoding of utf8 info files, and checked
this in.
In a cloned repo, after making all the info and index files,
when I run the script tests/ in tests/ with
LISPS="cmucl clisp sbcl" VERBOSE=1 bash ./
I see the special characters displayed in what appears to be a correct
fashion for all encodings and all lisps listed on the command line
in both an xterm and a gnome-terminal.
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