Progressive slowdown

On Wed, 2 Mar 2011, Oliver Kullmann wrote:

> I also observed such slowdown over time, with completely
> different computations (I'm also using Ecl; don't know whether
> it has to do with that).

That might be due to the fact that with interactive use, there is always a 
slowdown by default due to the label generation and the storing of 
previous results:

python <<EOF | maxima
while True:
   print 't2 : elapsed_run_time()*1000$'
   print 't2-t1;'
   print 't1: t2$'


(beware, this is hard to interrupt)

Robert Dodier once pointed out that

   nolabels: true

improves this situation and that additionally (reaching in to lisp)

   (defun add-lineinfo (x) x)

(almost?) completely eliminates the generic slowdown.