On Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 11:34:18AM -0500, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
>The noun form doesn't prevent simplification, only evaluation.
>The simplifying package has a function which allows you to construct
>expressions tagged as simplified. I don't currently have access to
>Maxima to check the exact name, but it's something like make_simp("*",
>[2,3,5]). Of course, if it is *re*simplified, eg by multiplying by
>something, then it is no longer "protected".
>What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
Here's an example of what I am trying to do: I am writing a function
that expands a rational function to a particular form of a sum. It
expects a rational function as input and returns the expansion of that
rational function. Right it now, I have written it so that it returns
the list of terms of the expansion but it would be nice to have it
return a sum instead. But I don't want maxima to rearrange the terms of
the sum or simplify it in any other way (unless of course the user
requests that explicitly).