On 3/4/2011 12:31 AM, redneb at gmx.com wrote:
> If they want to evaluate the product then they could just do a
> ev(%,nouns). So you get the benefits of both lists and expressions.
And if they do NOT do ev(%,nouns), then what are programs supposed to
do with it? For
example, what does expand, integrate, factor, ... do with a %mtimes?
Even if you just said, "In that case, the programs should do an
ev(..)", you would need to
change each program to do that :(.
This is a pretty standard kind of situation. People have to go back and
do things over when
(say) bigfloats were introduced. Or Taylor series, or Poisson series , ...
Supposedly object-oriented programming helps address such problems; it
tells you what
programs you have to fix, but not necessarily how to fix them.