release branch 5.24 scheduled for April 1

On 3/4/11 11:27 AM, Robert Dodier wrote:
> On 3/4/11, Leo Butler <l.butler at> wrote:
>>  It would be desirable to stabilise our repo before the
>>  next release, no?
> If there is a working Git repo by April 1, we can use it.
> Otherwise, I don't see the point of waiting; it will get
> done when someone has the time & motivation to do it,
> and I don't see the point of telling everyone else to
> wait while that happens.
I would prefer to wait until after the release, which is now less than
one month away.  After all, Leo said there are differences between the
git repo and the cvs  repo.  Are we willing to live with these
differences?  (I confess on not having looked at them.)

Also is every developer comfortable enough with git now to do everything
needed to get a release out in a few weeks?  I'm not.  I'm just now
learning to use git.
