
On 3/9/11 7:14 AM, Aksel Bertelsen wrote:
> There is a problem with load(distrib) on some computers using
> windows XP.  I get something like this:
> load (distrib);
>  Load failed for C:/Programme/Maxima-
>  5.23.2/share/maxima/5.23.2/share/contrib/distrib/numdistrib.lisp
> -- an error.  To debug this try debugmode(true);
> I can fix the problem replacing 1.7976931348623157E308 by
> most-positive-flonum in
> numdistrib.lisp, but it is annoying having to do this everytime there
> is a computer with
> this problem.
Sounds like an issue with gcl (?).  

Yes, that's a good idea.  And some of the other constants in that file
could probably be replaced with other constants too.
