Colnew, etc.

To understand the colnew wrapper i have written a small program, and i am 
puzzled by a small glitch in the interface between maxima and lisp (if it is 
relevant, my maxima is compiled with cmucl) The problem is that the same 
call works in (%i3) below, doesn't work in (%i4) but works in (%i5)
after having compiled f.  What is the explanantion of this behaviour, 

niobe% maxima
(%i1) f(x):=[x^2,x^3];
                                         2   3
(%o1)                          f(x) := [x , x ]
(%i2) load("essai.lisp");
(%o2)                             essai.lisp
(%i3) ?conversion(f);
(%o3)                       {Array:  #(25.0 125.0)}
(%i4) :lisp(conversion #'$f)

Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

 Error in FDEFINITION:  the function $F is undefined.

Automatically continuing.
To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
(%i4) compile(f);
(%o4)                                 [f]
(%i5) :lisp(conversion #'$f)

#(25.0 125.0)

niobe% cat essai.lisp

;; reduced version of the colnew wrapper

(in-package :maxima)

(defun conversion (f)
  (flet ((fsub ($x f-array) 
	   (let ((res (mcall f $x)))
	     (loop for k from 0
		for ff in (cdr res)
		  (setf (aref f-array k) ($float ff)))
	     (values  f-array nil))))    
    (let (($x 5.0)(f-array (make-array 2 :initial-element 0.0 )))
      (fsub $x f-array))))

Michel Talon