How to stop (x)maxima from autowrapping long lines?

On 03/13/2011 08:06 AM, Kingsley G. Morse Jr. wrote:
> PS: I also tried stringout(), although at least for
> me, it reverted beautiful formulas, with
> divisors and numerators on separate lines like
>      abc
>      ---
>      def
> into code-like one-liners, like
>      abc/def

didnt know you want them in 2d.

You can try smth like this:

linel:2000$with_stdout( "/tmp/formulas",
      print( expand( (x+1)^30 ) ),
      print( diff( expand( (x+1)^30 ), x ) )

Just enlist your print() statements inside block *with_stdout()*...

Good luck!