Can revisions also have approximate version # on SF?

I made a duplicate bug report on the SF site, unknowingly (well, it's
hard to search for math operators).  No big deal - I closed it; but
when I see that the original problem is fixed, all that bug report
says is "Fixed in sin.lisp rev 1.82."

That's not too helpful for someone wondering in what 'official'
version of Maxima that might appear in.  Might it be possible for
people to put that in their descriptions?  E.g., "Fixed in sin.lisp
rev 1.82, part of development branch x.y.z."

That would be immensely helpful for our (Sage) use, since we are
depending on upstream for functionality, but perhaps even for the
casual observer who sees a bug, wants it fixed, but then doesn't know
when to download it (let's assume that our observer does not know how
to use CVS or whatever, as many mathematical software users won't).

Thanks for thinking about it!