Seeking areas of little or weak documentation

Maxima is somewhat disorganized internally, so it is not easy
to comprehend. I suspect that it would take a long time to
come up to speed on the internals in order to write new
documentation for the core stuff or to fix deficiencies in the
existing documentation.

Given that, there are a couple of documentation projects
I can suggest. One is to write documentation for one or more
of the share packages, since it could be pretty much a
stand-alone document that doesn't rely too much on other
stuff (i.e., you mostly need to understand the package, not
all of Maxima).

There is no list of packages in need of documentation.
My advice is to look in the various maxima/share
directories in the source code and the already-documented share packages,

to see what's lacking documentation (doubtless the existing
documentation could probably be improved).

Share packages are bundled into the software distribution,
so you can just look at whatever was installed on your machine.

Hope this helps, & welcome to Maxima.

Robert Dodier