Changing signs of terms like (x-1) after factor or simplification
Subject: Changing signs of terms like (x-1) after factor or simplification
From: Sebastian Kranz
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2011 03:07:09 +0200
Dear Stavros,
thanks a lot, I was indeed looking for such a function. It worked very
nice on example factorizations that I tested. E.g.
yields as desired
- a (1 - x)
even though I just have weak inequalities in assume(...). Interestingly,
however, I could not replicate your example. This means
yields on my Computer without any change
- 5 (x - 1)^4
Maybe some of my global settings are different than yours (I have got
Maxima 5.18.1 for Windows). Still the function will be very helpful, as
it works in a lot of cases.
Many thanks,
Am 26.3.2011 21:23, schrieb Stavros Macrakis:
> How about something like this:
> pullsign(ex) :=
> if member(sign(ex), '[neg, nz])
> then [-1, -ex]
> else [1, ex]$
> postrans(ex):=
> block([inflag:true,pull],
> if mapatom(ex) then ex
> elseif op(ex)="*" then
> (pull:maplist(pullsign,ex),
> apply("*",map('first,pull))*apply("*",map('second,pull)))
> elseif op(ex)="^" then
> (pull:pullsign(part(ex,1)),
> pull[1]^part(ex,2)*pull[2]^part(ex,2))
> else map(postrans,ex))$
> Example:
> assume(x>0,x<1)$
> postrans((1-x)*(x-1)^3) => -(1-x)^4
> Note that this won't work for a single term:
> postrans(-(1-x)) => x-1
> Is this what you had in mind?
> -s
> On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 11:47, Sebastian Kranz <skranz at
> <mailto:skranz at>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I use Maxima often to simplify terms or equations that have a lot
> terms of the form (1-x) with variables x in [0,1]. The simplifying
> functions of Maxima tend to transform the terms (1-x) in the less
> intuitive form -(x-1) and I have to convert them back manually.
> For example,
> (%i231) factor(a-x*a);
> (%o231) - a (x - 1)
> Does anybody know an automatic way to tell Maxima that it shall
> tranform terms like (x-1) into -(1-x) and multiply the minus sign
> with all other minus signs in the product? E.g. I would like
> factor(a-x*a);
> a (1-x)
> or
> factor(-a+x*a);
> - a (1-x)
> Alternatively, is it complicated to write a general function that
> does this transformation? E.g. a function nicesign(expr), yielding:
> nicesign(factor(a-x*a));
> a (1-x)
> Perhaps creating such a function is not too complciated, but I
> really have no knowledge of maxima programming.
> Thanks for any help,
> Sebastian
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